Friday, April 4, 2008

Holy Traffic Spike Batman

Wow, normally my Flickr stream gets about 50-150 views per day. All of a sudden yesterday I got 451....  WTF?



Mike said...

Do you know why it spiked?

You must have had a naked picture on there or something.

Kitty said...

Ha! There's Mike judging others by his own standards again ;-)

Congratulations on the spike - whatever you're doing, you obviously do it right! x

TomboCheck said...

I think it was just a total fluke. The weird part is that it wasn't any one image that got viewed a bunch of times. The highest ranked image had 10 views. All told there were over 240 different images viewed that day. I'm thinking 1 or 2 people just went through most of my flickr stream one picture after another.

The next day it was back down to 70 views...

Wierdness. :)

Chickenbells said...

Wait...there are traffic reports for flickr?

TomboCheck said...

chickenbells - if you have a PRO account, you can sign up for 'flickr stats'. It isn't reporting like I wish it was. It only shows you the previous days views, and total views.

It does show you the sites that the pictures were accessed from though, which is makes it nice to seen when people are using your images without crediting you. :)

Bhautik Joshi said...

Yeah its weird - all of my images in the entire stream get viewed just once or twice, all in one go, and I then get the giant spike in views.

TomboCheck said...

Captin_Nod - Generally when you see one or two views to hundreds of pictures it is one of two things:

A few people decided that they liked your stream and just went from picture to picture for a while. I do this occasionally if I really like a user's style. Just click through their entire stream favoriting as I go.

The second reason (and more likely) is that you got searched by a 3rd party spider service, which basically indexes images for other websites that use flickr images. Most of the time Flickr knows about these, and makes it so that they don't count into your stats, but they do miss some, which rack up massive stat counts.

If you are curious you can shoot flickr an email I'm sure and they might be able to help.