Thursday, September 4, 2008

Empty Bowls

Just an FYI to all the locals out there. The Empty Bowls event is happening on Sunday, September 14th.


You buy a bowl (created and donated by local artists, like our own Tony Reynolds) and you get to eat soups made and donated by local chefs and restaurants (like Crystal at Sweet Tart's cafe), and all the proceeds go to the local food bank!


Now that's a whole lot of Local! So come on down to the courthouse square and pull up a chair for some awesomeness!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out. Empty Bowls is a great event. You get to warm your belly and your heart at the same time. And you can go away with a great little reminder of the day's enjoyment.

TomboCheck said...

Tony - Well thanks for donating your time and skills! The very least I could do is give a link and a couple bucks to the event. :)

We still have our bowls from last year, and every time we use one we say 'mmmm... you remember that Potato Leek soup, that was SOOOOO GOOD!' :)