Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taos… I’ve been here before.

The last time I was here it was a barely even a stop. Just long enough to edit photos, take the dog for a ten minute walk, and pass out. This time was only slightly longer.

I had wanted to spend some more time here, as it seemed like a pretty interesting town on that brief encounter a couple months before. So this time I showed up around mid-day after driving down from Durango. Along the way I saw some interesting graffiti:




And I also saw the 1966 ‘most beautiful steel bridge’ over a ‘long span’:


Which is the bridge that goes over the Rio Grande gorge, which is very pretty:



And then I was in Taos. I parked the truck and took the dog for a walk. I quickly realized the whole town seems based on art galleries and artists studios. Everywhere, that is what you see. Not really my cup of tea. I did catch some of my style of art though, on the back side of a park:



And everywhere we went there were these yellow flags, almost as often as you see the Texas flag while driving through the lone star state:



There were some pretty trees:



And some pretty buildings:



But overall, it wasn’t what had thought I was getting. I’m not really sure what my expectations were, but something… more. Maybe I should have gone to the Pueblo, and paid up to see the indian community center. Maybe I should have walked down more alleys. Maybe. Either way, I decided not to stay a second day. Upon waking, we headed south along the high road, heading to Bandelier National Monument.


Catalyst said...

D.H. Lawrence spent considerable time there, along with Mabel Dodge Luhan. Ansel Adams visited as did Willa Cather and Georgia O'Keefe. Mrs. Luhan's home has been turned into an historic inn and conference center and I was surprised to learn that Dennis Hopper wrote the script for Easy Rider there.

SWMBO and I once spent a night in Taos and found a chili festival going on, graced by R.C. Gorman and one of his voluptious models with a rose tucked in her cleavage.

quilteddogs said...

Oh, too bad. You should have taken the Heavenly Loop road and you would have gone by DH Lawrence's place. The bridge over the rio grande is cool but kind of scary.