Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prescott Photowalk, 2.0!

Two months from now is the second annual Prescott Photowalk. Rich will be leading the walk again this year, and as of yet is unsure where we are walking.


For all the other Photogs in the area, get over to that page and sign up, spots will probably move pretty fast. :)


A look back at last year.


Chickenbells said...

I think we should just aimlessly wander around the downtown looking generally confused...I miss out on doing that because I LIVE here, and I would love to just walk and then stop for no apparent reason...like everyone else. This, for me, would be fun. Plus? I think in a group of 50...it should be expected.

TomboCheck said...

Sadira - I do that ALL the time when I walk around town! :)

Sometimes I'll see a car I like and just walk around it three or four times. Crouch down, get on my tip toes. Peer into the windows.